Our CM Budget is stagnant

Your Question:

“How do I bring ‘life’ into our CM budget without expecting more money from the church?”

The Issues:

A “stagnant” budget is one which has been the same amount for more than a year.  A ministry that doesn’t request a budget increase might be viewed as “not growing” or “ineffective.”  A “stagnant” budget can only be changed by connecting it to a vital and active ministry vision.  If the ministry is indeed growing, then proposing an increase in the budget is justified.  To just request more money without any justification from the ministry plans or vision may be quickly dismissed. Evaluate your ministry programs and efforts in light of the “fruit” of the ministry and propose a budget increase based on the “fruit” and your CM vision.

Scripture Foundation:

“I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”  Revelation 3: 15, 16

Short Answer:

There is nothing wrong with being content with your financial support.  The CM may be growing in ways that don’t require more money.  But if you are not expanding the ministry into new areas of evangelism, service, discipleship, or parent support, then you may be in a comfortable ministry “rut.” On a regular basis (once a year?) ask yourself, with the help of other respected servants, “What does God want us to do this year?”  Is God leading you to new challenges or new parent support efforts?  Has the community around your ministry changed in such a way that those changes require an adjustment in your ministry efforts or approaches?  Has the Lord prepared you to launch a new program or outreach that would impact families and children that have never been connected with the CM?  All of these questions will prevent you, the CM, and the CM budget from becoming “stagnant.” For more help, click on the links below.

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