Developing / Evaluating Programs

“A FRESH Approach To Children’s Ministry”

How to keep a children’s ministry “FRESH” by making sure it is Family-focused, Relationship-driven, Experience-rich, Spiritually-based, and Help-oriented.

“Balanced Program Evaluation”

A tool to use in evaluating the CM programs.

“Balancing Slime and The Gospel”

How to keep the CM programs captivating for children, and yet spiritually deep.

“Collaboration And Unity Through Events”

Ideas for creating and running events or programs that are collaborations among other ministries in the church.

“Developing Programs”

A brief overview of how to create new CM programs or evaluate and refurbish existing CM programs.

“Evaluating Programs Before And After”

Comparing the conditions before you launched a CM program with the results of a CM program will help you continually improve the ministry.

“Planning Off Site Events”

A detailed process for planning and executing a memorable event for children or families that happens off the church campus.

“Practical Ideas For Growing Kids Faith”

A list of practical program ideas for the CM or parents that will inspire children to grow closer to God.

“Program Walk Through”

A mental “walk-through” of a program that helps you understand the needs and potential challenges long before the program launches.

“Thoughts On A Rotational CM Program”

An overview of how to rotate children through set experiences on a Sunday morning.

Productions / Large Group Programs

“A Life Changing Children’s Church”

Creating a large group experience for children using the power of drama.

“Children’s Church Using Teens And Skits”

How to incorporate the youth in the large group gatherings of children.

“CM Production Ingredients”

Understanding what ingredients make up a fruitful, enjoyable, and effective CM production.

“Guidelines For Children’s Church”

Guidelines for creating and maintaining a successful large group, multi-age CM program (children’s church).

“Principles of Fruitful Productions”

How to plan and present fruitful CM productions that further the CM vision and the “Great Commission.”

“Quality Standards For Good Drama”

Basic standards for making the use of drama in programs effective for children.

“Exciting Guests And Experiences”

A chart of guest or experience ideas with connections to possible lessons and scriptures related to them.

“Large Group Program Principles”

Principles to follow that create a large group, multi-age CM program that children will never forget.

“Large Group Program Rotation Ideas”

How to create a large group CM program that utilizes a rotation of experts that present lesson-based experiences for the children.

Grouping Children

“Age Based vs Grade Based Divisions”

The “pros” and “cons” of building the CM on children’s groups based on ages or grade levels

“Benefits of Grade Based Divisions”

The value and benefits of building your CM programs on the grade levels of the children.

Camp Programs

“Developing A Camp Program”

How to develop a year-round camping program that includes day camps, weekend or overnight camps, and established camps on or off the church campus.

“Kids on Overload”

Understanding the stress and complexities that children bring to camp, and how to minister to them.

Worshipping With Children

“Drawing Children Into Worship”

How to draw children into worship beyond just singing songs.

“The Worship Circles”

Understanding the three aspects of a meaningful worship time with children: Involvement, Entertainment, and Contemplation.

Summer / Outdoor Programs

“Bible Scavenger Hunt”

An enjoyable scavenger hunt experience for the children based on biblical scriptures with physical objects that can be found around the church, park or camp

“Bible Scavenger Hunt With Answers”

An enjoyable scavenger hunt experience for the children based on biblical scriptures with physical objects that can be found around the church, park or camp. This version includes the answers.

“Designing Summer Programs”

A memorable summer program goes beyond the traditional “VBS” program. Here are some ideas for creating life-changing summer experiences for the CM and families.

“Developing BIG Events”

A countdown development calendar for developing one-time big CM events.

“Outdoor Group Program Ideas”

Creative ideas for making outdoor CM programs thrilling and memorable without “doing it all” yourself.

“Outreach Event Planning Sheet”

An easy planning sheet that lets you understand the purpose for an outreach event and create a “To Do” list to get it done.

“Event Development Checklist”

A 1-year customizable development calendar with checklist boxes to assist you in building a new CM program.

Children Serving Others

“Developing Children With Servant Hearts”

Creating programs that inspire children to want to serve others..

“Prepare / Serve / Debrief Cycle”

A unique plan to incorporate a cycle of experiences to let the children experience serving others.

Recruiting For Programs

“The Sandwich Principle”

A simple process for using the success of a CM program to increase the “image” of the CM and to recruit new CM team members.

“Things I Can Do”

A powerful, simple tool to make connections with interesting people in the church, and to build the CM team.

Home Bible Study Ideas

“Options For Children And The Home Bible Study”

Ideas for involving the children in interesting and interactive experiences that apply the topics of the adult home Bible study.