We write our own curriculum

Your Question:

“We are tired of writing our own curriculum, what do we do?

The Issues:

Writing your own curriculum has its “pros” and “cons.”  When you create your own curriculum, you can shape it to fit your church’s scriptural and doctrinal views. Churches who create their own soon realize the immensity of the challenge.  If you have written your own curriculum for some time, you may find it challenging to find a published curriculum that fits your church. You might also face challenges from your CM team or church leadership regarding the cost of buying curriculum or the “risk” of the curriculum not matching the church views.

Scripture Foundation:

I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.”  1 Corinthians 3: 6, 7

Short Answer:

Creating your own curriculum is a wonderful experience; but is it necessary?  As with anything in ministry, you must ask yourself, “Is this worth the effort?” If your CM is small, and you have a willing person or team of writers, the work may be “worth it.”  If you are asking this question, you must be wondering if the work is “worth it.”  The ultimate goal in writing your own curriculum is to create a “safe” set of lessons that match the church’s doctrine or biblical views.  It is possible to purchase an already-written curriculum and “adjust it” if it doesn’t totally match your church’s views. You may face an increase in cost that you’ll have to “sell” to the church leadership. The “tradeoff” is less stress on your CM team, and a printed “scope and sequence” that depicts every lesson for a quarter or year.  You will be able to “season” the purchased curriculum with your own “flavor” and creativity.  It is definitely possible, but you have to pray for wisdom and communicate the purpose for the shift to the whole CM team and to the church leadership. For more help, click on the links below.

View other articles in the “Developing The Curriculum APPENDIX”

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