CM Administrative Overview

“A Graduated Plan To Develop Servant Hearts”

Practical suggestions for a unified plan to develop children spiritually across the CM and youth ministries.

“Making Our Ministry Relevant”

Creating a CM that is relevant to children and parents, then building bridges between the CM and youth ministry.

Becoming Significant Influences In Children’s Lives

“A Stone In A Desert of Sand”

Understanding how to be a “stone” for children that attracts them and directs them to Jesus.

“Battlefields of Children”

Ideas for the CM team and parents to support children as they battle the influences of “the world.”

“Connecting With Children Through Prayer”

Practical ideas for making connections with children through prayer during the CM.

“Engaging Kids”

Practical ideas for attracting and engaging today’s children during the CM experiences.

“Knowing Needs and Trends”

Understanding the difference between a “need” and a “trend,” and using them both in ministry to children.

“Understanding The Children’s World”

How to understand the world of children and use it to build connections with them.

The Process of Evangelizing And Discipling Children

“Building Spiritual Warriors”

Practical ways to train children to be “spiritual warriors” against the enemy’s tactics.

“Developing Children With Servant Hearts”

An “Acts 1:8” plan to inspire children to serve others, and to “go into all the world” for Jesus.

“Key Ingredients For Spiritual Growth”

A simple “recipe” to build spiritual growth in children.

“Leading Children To The Lord”

A customizable plan, with parent seminars and pamphlets, to lead children to the Lord, and involve the parents.

“Ministering To Children: A 5-Step Process”

Making the Gospel interesting and useful in a child’s life.

“Passing On Compassion To Children”

Specific ways, patterned after Jesus’ ministry of passing on compassion to children.

“Practical Ideas For Growing Kids Faith”

Practical ideas to work alongside parents in inspiring children to grow in faith.

“Proactively Dealing With Gender Confusion”

An overview of how the church can support the parents of children who may experience gender confusion.

“Helping Children Embrace Who God Made Them To Be”

Affirming children’s value apart from any gender stereotypes the world may give.

“The Process of Moving Children Forward In Jesus”

An easy-to-understand process of moving children closer to Jesus.

“The Worship Circles”

Creating an “energy curve” in a worship service that lets children get excited and be contemplative.