Our CM Budget is healthy

Your Question:

“How do I care for and maintain the healthy financial respect and support the CM receives from the church?”

The Issues:

The greatest thing you can do to protect your healthy financial respect from the church leadership is to keep detailed records of your spending and to never waste money. To be known as a good steward of the church’s money is a goal that will never disappoint you.  Good stewardship goes beyond impressing your financial leaders, being a good steward honors God deeply.  

Scripture Foundation:

Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy.”  1 Corinthians 4:2

Short Answer:

Being a good steward of the church’s money involves frequent communication, open records, and wise spending. Documenting every expenditure and keeping receipts establishes trust.  Another significant step you can take to protect that trust is never going over the budgeted limits.  Every budget usually includes some extra “wiggle room” in each category.  It is tempting to “borrow” this extra money from one category and apply it to another category that needs it.  Although this may be somewhat justified if the overall spending does not go beyond the budget limits, it is always good practice to ask the financial director about the “crossover expenditure” before you make it.  Even though the financial director may say, “That’s fine, go ahead,” it is a good thing to ask.  This clear communication will deepen the trust you have with the church leadership. For more help, click on the links below.

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