When Beginning A new cm leadership position – How To establish a cm vision

Your Question:

“I am directing a CM that hasn’t had a CM director before me. How do I establish a CM vision?”

The Issues:

There are many opinions about establishing a ministry for the CM. There are varying terms used such as: “vision,” “goals,” or “mission.” Regardless of the terms used, the bottom line is knowing what God wants to accomplish through you and the ministry, and how you plan to accomplish those things.  A vision lets you determine what you will do, or not do.  Standing firm on the vision may often frustrate those who want you to “do everything.”

Scripture Foundation:

“Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, But happy is one who keeps the Law.”  Proverbs 29:18

Short Answer:

Without a clear, simple ministry vision, you may be tempted to do everything.  A ministry vision clarifies and protects your ministry efforts.  If your CM vision is too broad (“We will teach children about Jesus”) you may find yourself spread too thin in your ministry efforts or programs. 


A clearly written CM vision directs your efforts and can also assist you in evaluating your ministry “fruit” or progress.  A ministry vision generally comes from God to one person.  That one person is then responsible to communicate the vision and evaluate the ministry’s progress in fulfilling that vision. 


A CM vision should reflect the overall church vision.  If the church doesn’t have an overall vision statement, meet with the senior pastor to create one and then adapt it to the CM. The ministry vision often reflects the surrounding community and states how the Gospel will affect the children in that community.


Establishing a CM vision requires much prayer. What has God called you to do at this church?  How has He told you to accomplish what He has called you to do? A ministry vision comes from a passion that God has given you. God may use what you have experienced to fashion the CM vision.  What have you seen in children or families that stirs you to action? 


The first step in creating a CM vision is to prayerfully start writing the vision statement.  Write the words, “(name of the church)’s children’s ministry exists to___________…”  What comes after the first phrase is your basic goal. What has God led you to accomplish in the CM? 


The vision statement often identifies specific things that you desire to see in the CM.  An example of a CM vision is: “(name of the church)’s Children’s Ministry exists to create a desire for a personal relationship with God in the lives of children through stimulating programs, life-changing mentors, and spiritually strong parents.” You can see that this CM vision includes some specific focus on specific people. 


The CM vision God helps you create will guide your ministry efforts and be used in evaluating programs, curriculum, training, policies, etc.  For more help, click on the links below.

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